Friday, December 17, 2004

What is up???

Today is a friday and at my school we had to do improve for this drama class that I am taking!! Do you think that I would stink at this??? Of course it you know me then you would say yes!!!! It was not the greatest!! I pared up with this chick named Morgan and then we had to be a bother and a sister. She beeing 14 and a freshman was playing a 16 year old girl that was reall mature and smart and I a fitting part was the 8 year old brother that was teaching this triton how to drive!! The sketch was a total bomb the whole time I was moving her hand back on to the stearing weel and we were supposed to be in a resturant!! anywho that was uncool. Right now I am listening to Franz Fredinand "Take Me Out" good tune and all that Jazz all y'all that havn't checked it our really should!! Now the track has changed and I'm listening to "I like it, I love it" by guess who....Tim McGraw!!! Well what a good song...don't you just love Country music!! E man if you are reading this then really dont comment on that!!! Hey all ya from NYLC that is reading this I hope that you have a great Christmas and all that!! I really do!! and Noah you really should make your own blog and I could read all of your crazy thinking!! He is really intreging reader I swear!! Well sitting hear in my CRAZY dad's house is not any walk in the park reader it really isn't though I reall would love to go to the B-ball game at the highschool today this would be much fun!! Well If you really feel like commenting on this post I would enjoy it and all. I really would and I will try and put something more interesting on hear in the near future!!! the way Ellie if you read this I Love YOU!!!


Blogger Dikiyoba said...

You're weird. And I would know, being weird myself. But weird smart, not weird weird like you.

12:30 PM  

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