Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I am tired!!!

It is only 2:18am and I am very tired!!!! Though I really wonder why!!! My freinds are looking at and that is not the greatest!!! Though I really would say that if you are really board you could check it out!! I just watched "Jonny Minamonic" it was really good!! I would suggest that you watch it!! It was writen by William Gibson and he is a really good author!! Mr. Rives (or Neo) is the star of the film!! Well I am hear in Oregon and my freind is eating a half gallon of ice cream I think that i would like some as well!!! If you ever want to be board out of your mind and still have something to do that is somewhat addicting really you should check out!!! it is like brain nimbing!!! I have to say that I am looking forward to this years Winter Formal at my school cuz I am going to recuest a bunch of good music!! I will not have a date though cuz it is a sady hawkins dance and that means that I will not get asked!!! Though my freind thinks that I should ask some of my freinds to ask me so that they can come cuz they do not attend our school!!! Well my freind dose not like stupid hats and he is giving really bad ratings to people with stupid hats!! Have you ever tried to find a Daft Punk CD I have been trying for some time and I have only found one!! Though I found a place that will order them for me!!! I could get them online I suppose as well!!! Do you know Death Cab for Cutie??? Good stuff!!! I really like this!! I have some good bands that I like and then I like some really bad bands!! Have you heard of Belle and Sebastian??? This is like some pearl disterict music if you know what I mean!!!! I resently returned from a trip to Washington DC or maybe not resently but it was really fun!!! I meet a lot of people including Ellie whom I love!! Well in a matter of speaking that is!!! The dog is drinking out of the toilet man I hate that!!! I'm glad that the dog is not over hear though!!! I don't like a lot of dogs though!!! Today I went shopping!!! I really love shopping!!! I went to the Washington Square mall!!! They have some new shops there that were not there the last time that I was there!!! I was very excited!! I went into the apple store!!! It was fun I listened to lots of music on the i-pods and what not!!! I really had fun!!!! That chick had a ratting of 9.9!!! That is really weird!!! Anywho....White guys should not have corn rows!!! That is forsizle!!! I got my freind Christian a really cool present and I really hope that he likes it!!! If you are reading this I hope you do not care that I got you a 2005 farmers alminac!!! I don't think that that is how you spell that!!! This is rather long but I hope that you will enjoy reading this and all that jazz!!! If you have an idea of something that I should post I would love to hear it!!! Well if you are board enough to read all of this then I hope that you will comment on it and then go and view


Blogger roverandom said...

keanu reaves
i think

friend not freind

because i know you care

3:19 AM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

Ha! Last post! I'm done! Freedom!
-The Commentator

12:12 PM  

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