Monday, July 11, 2005


Well, I know that this is kinda late. I will tell u all what is going on though. Kate broke up w/ Michael on the 4th. I am not sure what time but that evening I was lucky enought 2 go w/ her 2 the fireworks in P town. I had not seen her 4 a week and so it was a wonderful evening! The next few days we hung out a ton I was so happy! Then on July 8th @ 1:20am I asked Kate out! She said yes I was so excited. We were on the phone 4 about 4 hours! Now me and Kate r enjoying our relationship! I am so happy. She is very pretty! Well I will Blog more latter but I am sure that u all wanted 2 know! @least the ones that did not know!


Blogger roverandom said...


5:30 PM  

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