At Christian's
I am at Christians house. I am quiet as a mouse. Just typing on the computer. Hoping that Christian will come sooner. When listening to Verity and Allie's dumb talking I could just barf. They are so dumb and Allie has not heard any of the song's on the comoputer. The little Spencer kids are watching school house rock. I love thoughs movies. I guess that I have to sit hear for about an hour and then I will begin our treck to the resedents of Mika the Day Bontly. We will then go to the Zippy's Pizza the local pizza resurant and we will study the chapers 4,5 of I Corinthians. I love the begining of I Corinthians 4 it is taliking about a man in the church and a man that is sleeping with his wife. The church thinks for some reason that it is good to acceped this man. Paul however says that they are idiots and that they should throw the man out of the church untill he repents. He says that they should make sure to keep the people in line. The people of Corinthians worship the Godess of love. Because of this they have prositues that rove the streets around the grand temple and many of the men of the church fall to temptation and sleep with the whores. This also makes Paul very mad. He tells them that if they do not clean there act up then they will be punished. I love the bible. As of late I have read it alot. I have found that it can be very interesting. I have found some really cool passages and what not and I read some every night that I can. I also read when I am ver board. I found today that my mother will not be leaving this weekend untill saturday morrning. I told her that I was going to have the kegger at the house friday night cuz she was going to be there and she just said that I would have to clean the house. I wonder if she would really let me through a I hope that y'all will have a great day. Ison dog should be showing up at any time. He said that he would let me go out to eat with him and B-dub. I wonder if Amanda would be there? If so then I might go. If not then I will just stay at Evan's house and play the computer with him and Matt. Or we will go running or something. Well I am getting rather board and I think that I will look up some random things on the internet, and Verity said that the internet was not working on this comp!!!
5 & 6
What funny comment shall I post today? Shall I discuss all the stuff that gets caught in the lint trap of a dryer, or all the stuff that can be found on the Internet? Oh, it's all the same anyway. Just fluff and hot air, and occasionally something that you're looking for.
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