Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Hickey!!!

[Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips]
Hello all. Yes me!!! Dewey...somehow it happened! I was @ Kates house watching a movie and well 2 say the least my mom noticed a hickey on my neck when I came home. I am glad that this happened kinda cuz now my mom knows that me and Kate r going out! This is a good thing. Cuz it might have taken me a while untill I told her. She did not seem 2 b that mad. However she is really suspiciouse of me now. I have 2 rebiuld her trust! Me and Kate r doing well I guess. Other than this little bump. I really like her...alot! She is so beautiful and I love talking 2 her! We talk on the phone alot and all. I think that she likes it 2. Getting 2 know each other I think is like the best part of a relationship. Aside 2 mabey cuddeling when u r getting 2 know each other! I am kinda worried that it might b a while untill me and Kate can really hang alot! My mom will have 2 let me go over 2 her house or alow her over hear. Both of those will have 2 b latter. Cuz Kate's mom is not home untill 5 and mine is not home untill 4 30! O well I am sure that we will find stuff 2 do! I really like 2 hang w/ her. Not just cuz we kiss and she gave me and hickey and all! I just really like 2 spend time w/ her. I know that we will have alot of fun during Derby Days even though I will b busy w/ working on the 4 man Joust I am still sure that I will b able 2 hang w/ Kate! What fun. I cant wait untill school actually. Even though I will b a senior and the classes will not b fun. I will get 2 hang w/ my friends alot more then. I am sure that I will have fun my senior year as long as I keep my grades up! Other wise I will not have a social life! Well then I dont want 2 bore u and all. I know that I have a tendency 2 write long. So have fun w/ the rest of the blog if u r still catching up.


Blogger roverandom said...

o..... we are all so jealous.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is nice, Whatever

3:20 PM  
Blogger Yamhill said...

HHAaaaaaa,HAAAAA,, you got found with your hand in the cookie jar, so to speak, well, bout time for some thing to happen.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You HAVE to share all the details don't geez...

4:30 PM  

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