Friday, August 05, 2005

The Day b4 Canoe Camp

(my mom is talking that is it)
Well today is the day before canoe camp. I have been doing wash all morning 2 make up 4 the three weeks that I have been gone and then I have begun my packing! The Swans guy just popped in and I got some ice cream sandwitches as well! That is a good thing cuz it's over 90* out side! anywho...I have not been up 2 much 2day! I am going 2 go over 2 the bank in a little bit cuz I have like 250 dollars that I need 2 put in!! O man I am so glad that I am not watching soaps right now w/ my g-ma!! That was not the most fun thing in the world @ all!! Well what else am I doing 2 day! I am meeting 2 get ready 4 the teaching that I am going 2 so @ canoe camp around 5 30 and then @ 7ish I am having desert w/ Kenny and Kate and then after that I am going 2 a pool party @ Jenn's house!! I think that will b fun!! I will get 2 hang w/ Kate! It's been so long and I hate not seeing her!!! Well so that is all for 2day I guess I think that u should all vist the Switchfoot web site and I have a myspace account now! Incase anyof u want 2 look me up!! Well I think that I am going 2 go 2 the bank now...ok!


Blogger Unknown said...

Deweyyyy!!! I can't wait to see youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!

3:40 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

red it
then i fed it to my dog

4:23 PM  
Blogger Yamhill said...

Way to Fuck with the writing.

2:13 AM  

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