Tuesday, August 02, 2005

@ My G-ma's Working!

(All These Things That I've Done- The Killers)
Well then. I was @ camp the last week @ WI-NE-MA. It's in Cloverdale on the coast and all. About 5 Miles from Pacific City. I had a good time there. I made some new friends and all. I also got an 1,800 dollar grant 2 Puget Sound Christian College. That is good!! I have been wanting 2 go there and I think that might b where God is sending me @ this point. I know that I have 2 listen 2 the little things and all. People have been recomending it 2 me and then I got this grant and all! I had a good time @ camp yes. However I missed Kate alot! Like a ton! I am sure that this dose not surprise any of u and it dose not me either, but I did. Anywho...This week I am @ my Grandmothers. I am helping her clean up her place so that she can sell it and all. I am getting 8 bucks an hour so that is nice. I only worked 6 hours today but that is ok. I leave on thursday and so if I put in 2 more 6 hour days then I will end up w/ about 200 w/ what I made this weekend and monday! that is good!! I really need the money. I am not doing that hard of work either. I had 2 clean out the shop 2day and I also did some yard work on monday. This weekend I was @ my other grandmother's place and I was hauling some really heavy logs! That was fun but I made some good money 2! Like 20 bucks and hour. I did not work that much but I made 30 bucks so that is good! I cant wait 2 get home now!! Then I can c Kate and all! I will also get 2 hang w/ my fiends some as well! Then I will go 2 canoue camp. This also will b FUN!!! I cant wait! I am doing some of the teaching as well! This will b a streach 4 me I think but I know that I will b able 2 do it in God's strength! Well I had better head off now and tinker around some more. Maybe I will try and figure out the My Space stuff again.


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