Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Last Day!!!

( A Message-Coldplay)
Well then this is the last day that I have 2 work @ my grandmothers!! I am so happy that I will get 2 sleep in my own bed 2night and that I will get 2 c Kate 2morrow!!! YES! Well anyways I have been doing ok! It's been really hard not cing Kate like ever!!! I miss her SO much!! I think that I am going 2 a pool pary on friday night and then me and Kate can hang there and have some fun 2gether!! I also cant wait untill Canoe Camp!! Though I dont think that Kate is going I will still b teaching and I just love being on the water!! I will again miss Kate So much!!! I will have about a week from when I get back untill I will leave again though so I am sure that I will get 2 hang w/ her and some of my other friends. I think that I am going 2 have my b-day party on the way 2 picking up Cain!! That will b cool. I will go bowling w/ the guys or something. My mom dose not want Kate 2 come though cuz she wants 2 make sure that I am not spending all of my time w/ her!! She has been kinda irritating recently. I think that if she would just give me a little slack that I would b more happy 2 be more open w/ her and do maybe not do things that she dose not want me 2 do! I do have a mentor and an accountability partner and stuff!! I also have great christian friends. I dont think that I will b in that big of trouble ever!! Even though it seems like it 2 her cuz she dose not let me do anything! I have 2 kinda sneak some stuff around her! It makes me really mad that she will not just alow me 2 have a relationship w/ Kate! I just want 2 b like a normal teenager! I know that I am a christian and I totally live up 2 that the best that I can. However there r somethings that I think she experienced as a child that r keeping her from letting me do some stuff and hang out! I hope that if I keep my grades up and dont push her 2 much that I will b able 2 get over this terrible senior year that I know it will b!!! I am not really looking 4ward 2 it cuz I know that me and my mom will b fighting and I have 2 get good grades and I will still want a social life!!! Well anyways...this is getting long so I think 2 save u I will stop rambeling and try and get my Grandmother 2 let me do some work!!


Blogger roverandom said...

your 'christian' friends are telling you this is not healthy

4:13 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

you quoted your christian friends as morally supportive, and some of them are concerned, we can't imagine anything could happen, but that's what we thought of the hickey. your not invisible to premarital intimacy, if you are serious about your relationship with kate you MUST talk to her about borders. then again, i really don't know anything about this kind of stuff, just advice (wow, i bet that sounded like a disclaimer, but i kind of need one after the last comment).

10:45 PM  

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