Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just Kinda bored.

So I bet that Katelyn is the only one that will look at this cuz its her home page, just waiting for my brother to get done with soccer practise so that I can go to dinner with my family at Mongolian Grill. So Kate is at Safeway and she is not answering her phone and Kerry just called me to tell Katelyn to get some gateraide or however the fuck you spell it. anywho im going back to my conversations. farewell all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha Dewey I looked at it greetings from Willamette.
De Isaac

3:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh you are a cute one!

7:00 PM  
Blogger Yamhill said...

Yo, nice post, keep it current!!!!
I see senior Isaac put a post up!!
Ahh, the old bloger, forgoten but not left behind.
The start of our net usage way back when.

4:22 PM  

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