Friday, January 06, 2006

5th Period College Prep

I am sitting in the library full of thoughts. The teacher that is assigned to teach the class that I am occuping is currently not at the school. He had almost nothing for our minute class of 11 to do and so the class has been passed with a compolation of BSing and the starting of patitions. I am currently in the process of passing out my senior pictures and writing things on that back of them so that people will remeber me over the next few years, when I move the tremendous distance of 11 miles away from my current resedence. I have been told my many as the choose the picture that they wish me to write on for their memory, that my pictures look like that of a country artist Dierks Bentley. I googled the person and found that infact I do look vary similar. It is enteresting to me and I am in a state where I am glad to have a goodlooking and familiar face comparied to me. I have been in a mood that is of a great state. I have gotten little sleep and thus has made my existence one that I am wondering of what its worth may be in some sunny day when the Lord would call me to his bidding. I have wondered what the average person sees when they look at this creation of the Lord's hand. I wonder if there is the Dewey that they see or the Russell that is in my blood. I have fely myself to be more imature than that of the average specimen of the Teenage male. I have been told otherwise but still doubt it to some degree of thought. I try not to be too phiolosophical in my thinking of my self for this often leads to the depressed state that I offten my face in these days of the dark and dreary. I am exhilerated however for the LAN party that will occupy my time this evening. I am graced also by the presents of the most wonderful girl I could have ever meet. My girl friend has added to my joy and I believe has keeped me to some extent away from the depression that offten haunts the days of these winter months. To all those close friends and family that might grace this section of the great space that we call the internet. Do not worry about me. I am in a fine state of being and the slight depression that I might be dealing with will pass with some time. Just be there for me when you might feel the ability to do so and add to the joy of this year of the Seinor that I am currently in. I am so very excited for the up and comming year in college, yet so very afraid of the changes that I will undergo in my life as a student and disiple of the Lord.


Blogger Yamhill said...

Yeah, good for you, too see you bloging, Yeah, the patitions thing was funny. Hope we have that LAN party, and I hope the girls win tonight, and I hope the boys do well also.

The Sniper of Yamhill

3:19 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

love the lord your God with all you heart, strength,
and mind

i am not so worried of your deppression as i am of you choosing stupidity over it, i worry the same for myself

"so very afraid of the changes that i will undergo"? you will probably change less then you think

1:04 AM  

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