My Appologies
I am very sorry to al l that might read my blog on the regular. I am sure that no longer a regular u are. I am in a world of business that I am having a trouble of a time escaping. No longer do the days go by without a thought. I am preparing my body for the new strain of work. The new task of finding ideas in this head that I carry on me is strenuouse. I sit in class and wonder what might become of this organic matter that is me. My head hurts. I sleep little. I enjoy what time of joy I can. Mock Trail is a joke and the premature senioritus kicks in. Soon this transcript that I have heard of will be on its way to the place of higher education. The destination of my future shall be set. Why struggle so hard with the now when its so evedent that my future will no longer be effected. When a class becomes no more than dead space and a grade which means nothing but to my mother and the inside of me that screams to me then that is where the thought maker in me might think that it becomes usless. When I can drove my thoughts into more interesting and benificiall things, then why waste the day away on spurs and calsses. Is it just for the shits and giggles?? Is there really a meaning to this screaming thought in my head? Anserw me oh one with anserws? Does the God that created me want me to follow in the foot steps that I have lead out for myself?
"wonder what might become of this organic matter" if this is what you term depression then i believe it necessary.
and senioritis? you have few days left as a central figure of yamhill. finally an opinion, there is still more you can learn in these last few months, and there probably is no more "beneficial things" into which you can drive your thoughts, and time, for these last few months.
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