So the thing is...I figured that even though it doesnt matter much, some of you hardcore people that still might look at this now and again might want to read who I voted for and why.
To start off Governor:
Ted Kulongoski - I voted for good ol' Ted because I was scared of what Ron Saxton would do. Saxton is not the sharpest tool in the shed and though I dont agree with Kulongoski on alot of his moral views, he is not the worst governor. I think that he was the safest bet and would well with the people to continue to keep Oregon how it is.
U.S. House:
David Wu - This was a hard choice for me. On the one hand, Kitts is a good guy and he would most likely have done some good things for our state in terms of moral stands. However, I dont know that he would have gotten very much head way. The Democrats took the house as I knew they would and Wu not only has experience, but I agree firmly with a lot of his stances on business and economics. I feel that for this particular election that Wu was the way to go.
Sate House:
I voted Republican for the first time here. This was a vote for Donna Nelson - I know that she is a little on the cooky side, however she is a rather good politician. I know that she has not only done well for the GOP in the last few years, but that she has done good for our community.
Supreme Court:
Jack Roberts - So this was the first candidate that I voted for who did not win. :( that is ok though because I did not vote strongly on this one, just voted how I felt. I read his bio and a lot of his stands and I felt that morally this was the right choice. In life though you win some and you loose some and God has a purpose for everything, I might now have been right in this The votes were close though.
Local Measures:
24-240 - This one I voted a yes. It was simply giving back to the community! I dont mind spending money for that unless its ridiculous.
36-109 - "
State Measures:
48 - Measure 48 to me was one that took a little time to ponder. I thought about it though and I voted no. This was the measure that put spending limits on the state government and put any extra money into a rainy day fund. The rainy day fund was the only plus that I saw potential in for this measure. The rest of this measure I felt is too risky. The government already cuts too much and even though they would be forced to look some of the programs that might be eating up money, programs such as schools that are at the top of the spending chart would be cut first. This would not fix the majority of the spending problems in the state and it would most likely hinder growth in the state.
47 - For this measure I felt that it gave more power to the voter and similar to measure 46 it takes a lot of the power away from major contributing companies. My reasoning is most like that for measure 46. I voted yes.
46 - For this measure I voted yes. I felt that this measure really targeted a lot of the power struggles in the state. I think that by forcing the companies to lay back on spending towards campaigns, there is would be more room for voters to influence what they want through special interest groups that they support. I feel and I think that the majority of Oregon feels that campaign financing needs reform and this is why these measures 46 and 47 were on the ballot this year. Though 46 was voted down. The main problem that this measure would fix is the corporations out spending the unions, which is a problem in the political system and a point of possible corruption.
45 - For me the vote on this measure was easy, I voted no. This measure calls for term limits to be placed positions held in the government. I think that this is not only a bad idea, but that it defeats the purpose of the voters right to have who they want represent them. If say we had a strong person in a position who does very well in that position and has done great things, and then we find that on the next election they cannot be voted in because this measure was put in place. What would that say about our system. 90% of the people could want this man to be the person in the office next term, but this measure would not allow it! This would simply cause constant change which would never allow for anything to get done. If hands are always being changed even when they are not wanted the long term projects would be out of the picture. I could go on about this but I think you get the point as to why Oregon voters voted this down.
44 - This was my biggest pet peeve of the election. There had been no opposition filed for this measure in the voters guide and this is a measure that Oregon voters have been working on for some time. I voted no on this measure, however it was put into action by the Oregon voters with 77.66% voting yes. I personally am very skeptical of what good this measure will do. Yes it will provide medical service for a lot of people in need, however will it do what it really intended. Everyone knows that government run services are never worth what we spend on them. That is why socialist countries often have to ship medical patients over to the United States for care. With a government run, free medical program, many people will stop feeling the need to buy medical insurance and programs, which will in turn cause private medical coverage rates to go up. In addition the government medical program will be eating up tax dollars to people who will abuse this offering and to an unorganized and unprofitable cause. Sure there are people in Oregon who need health care, but there are other ways of getting in outside of this solution. Beside the economic mess that Oregon is throwing on its self here, it is just a mess.
43 - Unfortunately this was voted down. In a democratic state of course that is too be expected, in a state that legalized gay marriage and then wonders what they have done, promptly removing it. measure 43 is the measure that Requires 48-hour notice to unemansipated minor's parent beofore providing abortion; authorizes lawsuit's , physician discipline. This goes without to say that there is a definite moral compass that needed to be referenced here. There is still protection under this measure for the girls that are in special situations where it would be a bad idea for them to have their parents notified prior to this happening. This did not pass and because of this, 15 year old girls are still able to have an abortion without their parents knowledge. Think of the girls that are being taken advantage of because of this measure not being passed. Boys that are scared of having kid get a girl pregnant and then see her through an abortion only to leave her broken and with no one to turn to. This measure has worked for other states very well and there has been little trouble. Oregon however does not think that there is much of a problem with about 100,000 more people saying that they think this is a useless measure then those that see its benefit.
42 - Ah yes, measure 42...this measure was a hard measure to vote on. It took a lot of thinking on my part tell I decided that I knew what was right and then when I got it, I realized that is was pretty straight forward. I think this is why Oregon voters voted with me on this one with a no. This measure would basically take a law that is already good enough at keeping insurance companies from misusing credit score and credit card information and say that insurance companies could not use this information at all. In a nutshell this would drive insurance rates up, as people with bad credit scores who are more likely to have accidents and such that require insurance would be flooding the market at the same rate as the average joe. This would force the insurance companies to raise the rates in order to compensate for this, forcing the normal everyday person to have to pay for the mistakes of their fellow Oregonian.
41 - Tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts. Here is the one thing that the GOP stands strongly for that I do not agree with in most situations. This is basically a tax reduction targeted for the middle class...sounds good right? Wrong. Even thought this may seem like a dream come true, think of what our economy has done in the last few years. It has come up from a huge slump and forced the unemployment rate back down. How does the government do things like this? Money! Cutting a large portion of the states tax money (the middle class) is a huge knife in the side. Our economy needs money to grow and despite the Republican's theory that if you give it to the people then it will all work out, it doesnt work that way. What would be the first things to be cut when you get your refund check in the mail...your education, your health care, and your public safety sources. This is a no brainer and that is why 62.67% of Oregon voters voted no.
40 - Ok this one is really simple and i voted no. This measure requires that judges on appelet and state courts are elected from districts like congressmen. What is the good in that? This only forces the Oregon court system to settle for less then what they already have. Yes it might allow for Oregon grown people to run instead of a national candidate lest say, but why when they would be unskilled judges! This one is cut and dry.
39 - Finally! The last thing that I am going to write about, the thing that you have been waiting all this time for! This measure I voted no. Oregon however voted yes. This measure prohibits public body from condeming private property to sell to a private party. This measure is just undoing what was done a few years ago when the Oregon government was allowed to take over private property for compensation, so that they could use it for good. Now the Oregon populous is complaining about it. The cost of this measure is most unneeded. Think about it. Now the government has to go around peoples properties and buy off property for higher prices and in less convenient places for the government projects! I dont think that if I was to have property and the government wanted to take and and make me move that I would have a problem. They give one ample time to move and more money often then the property is worth, what is more is you can take it to court and often get even more money! Well that is all that I am going to force you to read about. That is the main point of my argument and I am very upset that this one passed, though its not as irritating as the measure 44.
Thank you for reading this if you got this far. You prolly either know alot more about me, or more about the last election now. Either way I hope that this was beneficial. Keep looking for more posts, cuz they will start to trickle in.
God bless