Friday, February 04, 2005

Before Computer Club

Today is Friday. I just got out of a pep assymbly and I was very board. They adressed the coolest person in our school. Or most independent of the athletic persons and that is Tori. She is our swim team and from what I heard she is doing very well this year. I have not talked to her in a while but she is a really nice person. I will have to call my mother soon so that she knows that I will be at computer club and then I think that I will go over to B-dubs for a little while to play some fusball and then I will pick him up and we will go to the CSLA b-ball game. The team that YC is playing tonight is ranked 1st in state and many people are only coming to see them get dunked on and creamed. I think that they will to ok but they will not win by any means. I belive that I have no money right now and yet I am going to go to the Homecoming dance at CSLA. It will be at the Crystal Ballroom and that will be tones of fun. Well I also have to go and get the slip signed for that at the office and then call my mom before computer club so I will leave you now. I would like to say though that I have found one of the coolest places in the bible which Pat showed to me and I have been reading it alot. It is Colossians 3. It is very good and 4 is a rather good as well and finishes some of his thoughts!!! I must leave now!! Latter!


Blogger roverandom said...

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