Tuesday, February 01, 2005

O what a wonderful world!!!

I started a new world of the Sim's last night. I made a block with all of my friends in it and I will be interested to see how it turns out!! Evan will be spending the night agian this evening as he has the last few due to the steeky house. I think that we may try and sneek B-dun in but my mother is expecting this. She says friday. I had a long talk with my friend Kenny the other day and it was very good. Just what I needed to hear...... I will have to get a really cool valentine for Verity this year!!! HE HE HE!!! She says that I gave to take her to prom but that we can't go on a date!?! She is useing my!!!! AAAAAH. O well. I have to get working but I may blog more when I get board latter!!! We are doing our webpage on an airsoft AK-47!!! It will be cool!


Blogger Yamhill said...

What!!! are you insane in the membrain???

12:33 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

kenny got to you

2:13 PM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

I'll say you blogged later. You8 blogged and blogged and blogged.

12:30 PM  

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