Monday, January 31, 2005

Econ Agian!!!!

(Music-My Goodies)
Hello all. How are we today? I am suposed to be working on a web page right now but that is no good me and b-dub are in a group so do you think that we will work???? NO! We will get it done and get a decent grade cuz Mr. Wrinkle likes us and we are good workers. This weekend was the dance! Wow no good those things are. Verity was hitting on me and some people said that she was looking at me alot! No this is not good I dont want to go through this agian. I was very much happy when she was with Buxton cuz she was not playing with me all of the time. This is what has been going around in my head. Should I stay away from her? Stop e-mailing her? Not call her? Or the oposite? Maybe ask her out? Anywho I will not be very easy about this for a while so I will deal with it.O bad song.....K. I wish that I had not been with my dad this weekend cuz then I could have gone to Joshes house afterward like everyone else. Well last night Evan was sleeping at my house and we were up at midnight and all and my mom came down and was like go to bed! That was ok though cuz I am very tired right now and my coffee has long sence wore off. Not to mention the MD vender thingy is not working!!!! O well. I will write latter cuz I am really tired and canot think right now. But I have alot to think about!


Blogger roverandom said...

I was very much happy when she was with Buxton
NO YOU WERE NOT and neither was christian

I hope she reads this, and gives you some good cussage about it

2:40 PM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

See, I told you dances were no fun. And I also know that ignoring people usually works. Remember, the less think, the less you get confused.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Yamhill said...

Dude what was in the soup?

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dances can be fun. remember nylc? a giant mosh pit of people partying. dont let girls play mind games-its no fun.

2:17 PM  

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