Friday, January 28, 2005

The Weekend To Come!!!

This weekend I am going to my dads house. Though I do not have to go to his parents house as was planned due to the dance. He is still going to stay in Yamhill and I will send the weekend with him. Today I will have to work the consesion stand at the game though I really hope that I will not have to be there the intire time. I really like to hang at the games and what not and would not like to be forced to work there in the stand. Though dad will bye me dinner there which will be really nice and all. I have a feeling that the weekend will go good regardless because of the dance. I really like to dance and I think that I might be going to dinner with J0sh and Christian and all of them. That will be lots of fun if I go. However my dad is a real stickler about curfew and all so I cant go out after the dance to Sharies or anything. I hope that I will enjoy the great weekend and all I will wash trucks for the moring of Saterday and all. Class is starting now so I will have to go to the website to check my stocks. I got out of an FLBA meeting and all so I will hope that we will get to have the pizza party that they were talking about! Yeah!! Well I really need to go so latter!!


Blogger roverandom said...

we well all meet where the streets have no name

2:38 PM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

Haha. I have no curfew. Of course, that's because the issue has never come up. I mean, I'm in bed by ten o'clock every night at the latest. And the only reason I'm not a home is because I'm at some school function (but no dances. Who wants to go to a dance, anyway, when there is a new OMSI exhibit?).

12:03 PM  

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