Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Stock Market Today!!!

Hey all. Today the stock market was doing good!!! In the stocks that me and b-dub had there was only one that went down. Well that is good and all. I am having an ok day. I have to go now!!!


Blogger roverandom said...

i stifle myself

posting about nothing
nothing about posting
commenting about nothing
nothing about commenting
begin a statement
statement a end

2:44 PM  
Blogger dani and adam said...

i guess i have added myself to this cult... not sure if it works.. i posted something on evan's but it doesnt show up, and i really wanted to send him a picture, but i couldnt.. heeelp me!

12:37 AM  
Blogger dani and adam said...

so i know that high school really was a joke, but it amazes me that they let you guys have the INTERNET in class... i really must have missed out.. i mean i have the internet in class now here at good ol GFU, but then again i practically sell my soul to go here...

12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so why is there a freaking trash can next to my postings?? piece of trash! haha dewey you are going to regret ever telling me to come look at this blog...

1:00 AM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

Yeah, my stocks did exactly the same thing. And today was another really good day too. One of mine when up by like eight percent! Maybe it's almost to the spot where we first started this simulation.

12:25 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

1.comments and posts do not always show up immediately
2.click on the trash can to delete the post or comment
3.you'll only win if you go big in the stock market game
4.you don't have to sell your soul to get the internet
5.lovepacifists? you are a pacifist? you love yourself?

2:34 PM  

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