Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Great Cuss Out!!!

Verity is a real BITCH!!!! I hate the winter it is a mother fucker! Why do rapper put this shit into my head!! The fucking school is gay and I wish that I could go to CSLA and then I would not say fuck all the fucking time! The government is fucked up and I really hate politics! Why cant I be a fucking senior? Then I could go to college as soon as possible. Why do I suck at the fucking sports so much? The fuckers at our school put to much fucking emphasis on sports! Why is my mom so fucking gay all of the time? I would be much happier if she would let me do some of my own fucking things! When will this stop!!! I really just want to kill this fucking head of mine so that I could go to heaven and then I would not have so many problems!!! wow that was cool!


Blogger roverandom said...

please dewey, spare us, do you really want to be like verity?

3:37 PM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

Shut the **** up. Oh well. At least you had the decency to write it in black, you *****.

12:18 PM  

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