Well then it's been a while sence 9/11 but now we have the disaster down south to worrie about and we r still in the war againced terror!! I am kinda tired today cuz I was up untill midnight last night!! I have church in less than and hour and then I have to do some hw and run 5 miles b4 youth group starts. Today is the fall kickoff so we have not had yg in a while and we r trying to get our #'s up!! I love our new Youth Pastor he is really cool and I have already helped him biuld his deck and been on to youth outings w/ him even though there has not been youth group sence he started! Yesterday was a fun day as well. I got up around 5 55 and tryed to go back to bed numerous times!! That failed cuz I was thinking so much about Micheal and Kate!! Anywho... It's not that bad anymore!! I also cleaned my room yesterday and went to a volleyball turney. I am not sure how the girls did but they one the one match that I saw!! Mika, Kate, Amanda and I went into mac after that and we had some Tacobell and then we went on a search 4 a i-pod cord that Mika had miss placed!! We talked w/ Scuba for a while and then ended up getting some blank CD's!! Then we went down third street w/ Scuba and looked @ Records w/ him!! He is decorating his new house w/ old record covers and records!!! After we were done there Kate and I had to go home so we did so. We went to Kate's house and from there we went to Abby's Pizza for Randy's (Kate's Dad) Birthday!!! The pizza was really good and I was stuffed. Then we went to the mac movie theater and watched 4 brothers!! I thought the movie was pretty good even though there was alot of cursing and what not! After that we went to Kate's house and had Cake and Ice cream!! I had so much cocolate that I was really sick!! Then I came home!! My mom was not even home yet!! Her and Cain had gone to the movies as well!! She was kinda mad @ first cuz I was not home when she called me @ Kate's house but that is cuz she did not get my message that we were going to the movies so that turned out fine! Well this is getting long and I have to get ready for church so I will blog latter!!
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