Friday, February 18, 2005

Advanced English 11

I am in advanced english 11 currently and my computer will not print my assignment!! O well I guess that it will not be edited by anyone but the teacher!! That is fine. I am really board right now and I have nothing to do! I am going to go to comp club after school today and then I will catch the JV2 game of girls b-ball! I think that I will then go to over to B-dubs and hang untill 5:30ish when I will have to be home for dinner! Then I will return to the school catch the end of the JV game and wait around for the Varsity game to start!! I will have to play drums for the pepband of course and then after half time I will look for some of my friends that wanted to go though I doubt that any of them will show up!! I think that if the girls win tonight then they will get another home game and then I could invite some friends to that as well! Good cheese and all that! I am wondering if I should go over to B-dubs this weekend sometime and make some campain posters and what not! I should really make more than the ones that are currently up through Mr. Kindel and all! I am rather dreading the debates and all! At least with the speach I will try and make something cool and it will be pre writen! The debates are on the day that I can drive other people under my license!! It is wierd to think that I have had that thing for 6 mounths already! This album is not that bad! I am listening to the Darkness album "Permision to Land"! The lead singer is rather good! I like his tone alot. I started a prayer/ bible study before school on monday's and friday's and today no one showed up! That is cool though! On monday Mika was the only one that woke up in time! I think that I had better go now or Ms. Hurst will get irritated with me! Latter all!


Blogger Yamhill said...

Come Over

12:29 PM  
Blogger roverandom said...

if you want people to come to a bible study maybe you should tell them about it. and of course the darkness is good! i liked them before the music video.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Dikiyoba said...

Well, at least I was doing something sort of constructive in thrid period. I was research my guy...or more accurately, animated versions of his stories.

2:56 PM  

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