Saturday, March 26, 2005

Return Form Mexico!

I am back. I had a swell time and I am really tired! I will hope that I can get to sleep with in the next 2 hours so that I will function tomorow! Latter all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mexico Tomorrow!

[Music-1,2 step, missy elliot (ciara)]
Hello all. I am going to be leaving for Mexico tomorrow evening at 5pm. I will not be out of this country untill Friday or maybe Sat. I cannot remember but I am leaving on Thrusday! I am finnishing my packing of the carryon. This is fun stuff. I have plenty of spending cash as well as money to spend on the people down in Mexico that I meet! Well I am really excited for this but I have alot of homework to do as well! I have to leave my house at 7:30 tomorrow cuz I am going to the Oral surgen for a cleaning of these nice big cuts that are in my mouth currently form the whole wisdom teeth pulling! I canot wait untill this is over! Though it was nice for a while it is getting really irritating with all of the restrictions! I am not even supposed to leave the country for three weeks! But that is ok I am leaving tomorrow! Hey I just found a penny! I am I can found my own college and I will be a wealthy and well respected man! O well I think that I will give it to the poor! Well I am rather tired and I have a very long day tomorrow and so I will end this post and get back to y'all when I get back!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Finaly The Net @ Home!

{Music-Lean Back (Remix)- Fat Joe (Em, Lil' Jon)}
Hey all. I am so excited. I have the net at home now. I can now blog at home and do more homework hear as well. I have had the e-mail for a while but it would not let us surf the net. Now I can! Incase you don't know I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I am on pain pills and that is not all that cool. I am really out of it and I get dizzy every now and again. I am also going to Mexico on thrusday! This is cool cuz I am going with some churches in Newburg and I dont know very many of the kids. I am also going to be helping with the picture taking! I think that my mother is going to let me go to Calvary on thrusday nights now and so that will be cool. This I hope will allow me to get some things that I will not get from Sunday nights at Yamhill. I do think that the elders and the youth teaching on sundays will help to make it a better time. I am kinda sad that I cannot go tonight. I think that youth group on the whole is a good time. Now that Kenny is doing games again. I also am bummed cuz right now John in doing a series thing and I will miss one week of it. Ok so hear is a question. I was told that because I went to a dance with a girl then I "went out" with them. Or maybe some other reasons as well. So according to Mika and Evan I have had 2 gf's! Now first of all I did not go to the dance with Heather we just went as friends and that was the idea behind the dance with Holly as well. So dose anyone have any other ideas or should I bag this argument and say that I have had 2 gf's...and if so then I dont have a perfect record and I might as well be looking for someone to take to another dance or "go out" with! Just a thought latter!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

My Nana's

Hey all. I am in a little town called Yancalla and I canot see the key board and so this is taking alot of guessing as to were the keys are! I have accomplished alot this very fine day. I have been doing yard work for my nana so that I can get 100 dollars towards my mexico trip fund! I also went to the Goodwill and it was 50 percent off of all of the clothes and so I had a hey day! I now have a rather cool new set of brown clothes! I was in a brown mood I suppose. Man I wish that I could find the light switch to this room so that I could see this is really bad on my eyes...I guess that I am having some good dinner! I went to subway for lunch and that was good! I also got some ice cream at the Dairy Queen. Man I love the ice cream. Well I found a light and this is much better. I also had to move my car! O wow I could not get my van to go over 90 though it felt like I was going faster it keeped saying that I was only going 90. I was perplexed...maybe it had something to do with the computer or something! I was going down I-5 and boy is that a fun thing to drive at night! There was alomost no traffic and I was just cruzing around! I was drinking my mountian dew because I was very tired and just cruzing at about 80 mph on average! This computer that I am using is a very odd set up. My nana has this laptop that is on DSL and has a mouse and Keyboard so that the screen is very far away form me! The interent is really fast and so this laptop has trouble keeping up with it! Wow this little computer can also heat up this room! Hum. I guess that there is a big paintball game that is going on tomorrow and I am going to be very late for it! I have to get home form hear which is a 2 and 1 half hour drive if I am driving rather fast and then I have to go into Hillsboro and clean the office so that I can pay off that 50 dollars that I borrowed for the CSLA homecoming! I think that my nana might take me to the truck stop for breakfast as well and if I sleep in untill 9 again then I will not leave untill 10:30 and then I will be home about 1 to 1:30 and then I have to go into the office and clean and all that. The paintball starts at 12 noon! O well....I guess that is that. O yes I figure that if you are reading this and that one right after this then you are rather dedicated to me and you should know who I currently would call my crush though I would sat that, that is a rather odd way of putting it! So anywho that will come latter. Just a little incentive! If you scroll to the end now then you are really missing out and you are also cheating! I would also say that you either would already know this or you have no idea who this person is and so I would not fret! I was doing my stocks earlyer and I would have to say that this whole energy companies all spiking thing is really irritating! I was thinking about inversitng in one the other day and it was the most advanced of the day! I put it off figuring that it would drop again and today it was also the most advanced! Two days in a row! You should see the charts on this thing it has not been this high in a very long time! I will hope that it will drop some and then I will buy it. My back has really been hurting me and it is really bugging me! I think that I might have to go and see Dr. Seward again. OK what is up with Josh. I should have put this on earlyer but I have a friend that was dating this girl for a while like 1 and 1 half mounths. This is the most that he has ever dated a girl. All of the sudden for no apparent reason he dumps her. Every thing was going fine. Neither of them were unhappy. He just decides to dump her. When asked why he said that she was not a strong enough christian. Why? He was making progress with her and she seemed really open. She really liked him and visa versa. I know that he is a Junior and she is Freshman but come on! I think that his mother put him up to it and he is hiding this fact. Why else would he...the Josh...the one that is obsessed with girls dump a perfectly good looking and wonderful to be around (well almost) girl for nothing! I am very perplexed by this and if someone can explain then I would be more than happy! Well I have to go to dinner now and so I will let you know who I currently would hope to "go out" with! She is very nice and all though she is a Freshman. I think that she is very cute and most agree! I have also noticed that when she stops being so shy around you that she can be very entertaining! This girl is Amanda Morrison. She goes to our church and I think that she would be way cool to hang out with more! I have always been attracted to her but resently like on the youth group snow camp I found that there was more to her that I had not yet experienced! I have noticed in the last few weeks how cool she really is and now I notice her alot more! I think that I will have to get to know her some more and star hanging out in the freshman hall alittle more as well! Well I really need to go so latter!!

Friday, March 04, 2005


“Champions keep playing until they get it right”
-Billie Jean King

“Kind Words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”
-Mother Teresa

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of will.”
-Vince Lombardi

“One person can make a difference and everyone can try.”
-John F. Kennedy

“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom”
-General George Patton

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.”
-Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy

The Lost Game!

(Music-Colored People -DC Talk)
Well today is a grave day! The foosball turney that Evan and I were in had gone down the whole! The finals were today and the table was lobed up the night before so it was harder to play on! The other team consisting of two stoner's by the name of Chris Warren and Ivan Rab. They beat us with a score of 5-10! We beat them by the same score earlier on in the paliminarys! Yesterday the played Christian and Mikey! They lost 7-10 and the table had been loobed that day as well! Had the table not been tampered with then the team that won today would not have even made it past the semi's yesterday! I am not that happy about the lose and the fact that I did not get the 10 dollar gift certificate to the Java Jungle...the small coffee type stand in our school that the Cheerleaders put on! On another note I am going to be gone the majority of the weekend because I am going to work for my Grandmother the all day on Saterday! I will get some money so that I can go to Mexico and I think that we might go into Roseburg and get some things at Goodwill! I will come back with some new cool clothes! Man today I did 275 on the squats and I am very tired! If I loose 6 pounds and then rase the wieght up to 290 then I could get a new recored for my wieght class! That would be way cool. Other wise I will have to gain about 20 pounds and raise the wieght to 300 lbs. That would not be that bad and I think that I might try that this next year! Then there is also the fact that Mika is going to get the Franey's old wieght set and then I can lift all summer and buy next year I may be able to beat the bench recored as well! I am at around 200 lbs. for that! O yea the morning prayer times are going very well also! This morning we had five people there! I think that Evan in interested as well if he could come that would be cool and then there is Alana but I would have to change before the people come if she starts to come! Normally I have been changing at about 8ish. I wonder how track practise will be this evening? The distance runners have to run two fast miles...Ahhhh! This means that I have to pull of two miles in about 12:30 or so and we ran faster then we were supposed to yesterday. Not to mention I lifted legs today! Well I am currently in econ and we have done next to nothing on our final project! Man I have so much homework this weekend I am not going to be home that much! O I almost forgot to mention the meeting with the elders that me and Pat had. That whent really well. I was surprised. They took notes through the whole thing and they seemed to be very happy that we were there! We talked to them about the whole new youth pastor thing and we also talked about the Sunday Morning servises. We told them how the youth are willing to do more than they are currently doing. We were asked about the youth and if they would be willing to have a teaching time split between three or so of us and then teach and share with the body during this time on sunday morings and we told them that we felt that many of them would be. I am very excited to see how our youth group is going to do in this time of need and how the youth will step up. I was talking to my mother and again she began to argue with me! We were talking about Jason and she was talking about how he was a horrible person and she was even crying. Then she was talking about how she though that Janet Swanson should be the youth pastor. I dislike that idea but then again she is very capable and if the elders feel that she should be more than the leader of the middle school group then that will happen and I have n0 problem with that! Well this is rather long now and you are really bored of reading my ramblings I am sure. Though you are rather dedicated if you have read thus far. Have a wonderful day and God bless!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hey there!!!

I have not blogged in a very long time!!! I am bored today however. I am in econ where else and I have been working on the stocks all day. I am loosing money! That is not good! At least it is only a game! I am trying to make money but also make Mr. Wrinkle happy so that I get a good grade! He says that if I make money but that I dont look like I am selling stocks that are going down then I will still get a bad grade so that sucks! I have to make sure that I by stuff that is going only up for a while! Lots of girls are looking for prom dresses! That is irritating I guess!! The bell rang and I have to go!