Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Day After the Day After!

[Smells Like Teen Spirit, Nirvana]
Well yesterday was like the hardest day of school that I have ever been to. It was very somber and sad!! The people in the school were crazy and I was kinda sad myself and very confused so I could not think straight!! I have been doing hw and stuff but it has not been easy!! I am very tired. There was stuff on the news about Anndi and that was interesting! It's good that the police are starting to release some info so that the students know what all went down. I dont think that I could have gotten through yesterday if it had not been fot Kate! She helped me so much to keep me thinking and happy!! She is SO special...I love her to death!! Today was better. It was not so somber and you could acctually talk when u got in school w/ out being the loudest person in the world. I could think a little better but I still had trouble cuz I was so tired. I have also been lifting and running alot so I am very soar. I was up tell about midnight last night writing an essay for AP Government. I did not do a terrible job but I could deffinatly have done better!! I was excited to see Evan and Dani come. SOUL was packed today!!! There were so many kids. I could not beleive it when I came in w/Kate and the whole place was packed!! It has not been like that sence my freshman year. I think this will be a good year for SOUL and I really hope that I will be able to let God use me to make it's full potential. Club rush is comming up and that should make it that much larger!! I am sure that we will be doing some fun activites and I hope that there will be some great teaching and comming together of the christians of the school!! I think that the recent event has helped that some as well!! Kinda like 9/11 did to the US!! Well I have bible study in 10 so I will wrap this up for now!! I am sure that there will be more blogs in my future!! Lol...I have my space if u r into that!! Well Peace and if Kate is reading!! I LOVE U!!! God bless.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Anndi Huff!!!

I really dont know what to say!!!! I am shocked and sad...I did not know her that much as of late!! It still hurts me to know that she could have killed herself!! Someone from our school actually did it!!! That makes me think again how much our school needs the Lord and how we need to reach out to the teen population in the whole world that needs the light so much!!! I am very sorry to the Huff family!!! I know that Brandon is in bible college and that makes me sad to think that he has to go through this!!! I also pray that even though her parents are devorced that they could come together in this painfull time!! I remeber alot of good times w/ Anndi in my youth!!! She used to go to church on occation and youth group!!! I remeber when she was that cute little girl who I played soccer w/ and T-ball!!! I remeber watching her play softball w/ Brandon and when she was on of Kayla's good friends!!! I used to have a crush on her when I was in the 8th grade!!! It's just unreal that she is gone!!! I cant believe it!!! I dont know what else to say... I did not really know her much recently!! Now I wish I had!!! I pray to all that did know her that they would have a peace in this!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Well then it's been a while sence 9/11 but now we have the disaster down south to worrie about and we r still in the war againced terror!! I am kinda tired today cuz I was up untill midnight last night!! I have church in less than and hour and then I have to do some hw and run 5 miles b4 youth group starts. Today is the fall kickoff so we have not had yg in a while and we r trying to get our #'s up!! I love our new Youth Pastor he is really cool and I have already helped him biuld his deck and been on to youth outings w/ him even though there has not been youth group sence he started! Yesterday was a fun day as well. I got up around 5 55 and tryed to go back to bed numerous times!! That failed cuz I was thinking so much about Micheal and Kate!! Anywho... It's not that bad anymore!! I also cleaned my room yesterday and went to a volleyball turney. I am not sure how the girls did but they one the one match that I saw!! Mika, Kate, Amanda and I went into mac after that and we had some Tacobell and then we went on a search 4 a i-pod cord that Mika had miss placed!! We talked w/ Scuba for a while and then ended up getting some blank CD's!! Then we went down third street w/ Scuba and looked @ Records w/ him!! He is decorating his new house w/ old record covers and records!!! After we were done there Kate and I had to go home so we did so. We went to Kate's house and from there we went to Abby's Pizza for Randy's (Kate's Dad) Birthday!!! The pizza was really good and I was stuffed. Then we went to the mac movie theater and watched 4 brothers!! I thought the movie was pretty good even though there was alot of cursing and what not! After that we went to Kate's house and had Cake and Ice cream!! I had so much cocolate that I was really sick!! Then I came home!! My mom was not even home yet!! Her and Cain had gone to the movies as well!! She was kinda mad @ first cuz I was not home when she called me @ Kate's house but that is cuz she did not get my message that we were going to the movies so that turned out fine! Well this is getting long and I have to get ready for church so I will blog latter!!

Saturday, September 10, 2005


(Givin The Dog A Bone, AC/DC, Back In Black)
Well then... it's been a long while sence I have blogged gosh!! Last time was Canoe Camp!!! After that I went to the Bike Trip and I went to camp w/ some of my friends!! I still did not get much work the rest of the summer. I got to hang w/ Kate a desent amout. That is good!!! I went to the state fair and all!! Started XC and that is great!! We have a good chance @ sate this year!! I am very thrilled. When school started that was sweet. My classes r not that easy. I have AP English, Weight Training, Chemistry(W/ Kate!!!), Calculus, and AP Government!! They r def. not that easy. I have had hw every night and this is the first week of school. I have been keeping up though and none of it has gotten that hard! Man I really love AC/DC!! I have not listened to it in a while I forgot how good it is!! Anywho... on thrusday was Katelyn and my 2 month!!! I was very thrilled!! I love her to death and I am so excited that we have made it this far. I cant wait for the months to come!! Our 3 month will be on the night of the homecoming dance!!! That will be way kew!! I am also taking the SAT's that day though!!! Wow I love Moutian Dew it's so good!!! TANGENT...also on thrusday was my first XC meet!! We did not do that bad we got 3rd as a team and I got last on the team but it was about my pr last year and so I know that I will improve alot sence I had alot of energy left @ the end of the race!! I am not used to being in such good shape!! Now that I am not doing soccer like I did last year where my legs were always hurting!!! That was terrible. I think that I might not do half bad this year!! We have 8 guys and only 7 are allowed on a team!! That means sence I am the slow one I will have to battle w/ B-dub and Wiser for the team spot!! I am so excited!! B-dub is not eligible right now though cuz he has skipped to much practise!! He will not even b able to run next thrusday!! I guess that I will just have to run!! LOL!!! Yay 4 me!!! anywho...yesterday was friday..duh!!!! That was the first football match of the year...we lost and all but it was fun to attend. B4 that I went to chan's w/ all of the soccer guys!! I am glad that they still love me even though I am running XC!! They really hate Pat and Mika though..Go figure!!! Lol...I had a good time and I got to hang w/ Micheal some which is good cuz sence I stole his girl he has not been that happy w/ me!!! Then last night he forgave Kate after the dance for dumping him and going out w/ me!!! I have always felt really bad about it!!! It makes me sad that thier relationship had to end that way!! I would have waited for Kate and I did not care that much that her and Micheal were going out cuz I knew that it would end sometime and I had no entention of ever going after another girl!! I really love Kate and I could never c myself w/ another girl!! @least not @ this point in my life!!! I have a feeling though that we might not last!! I think that she and I both being teens will eventually drift apart and I really hope that dose not happen anytime soon!! I am dredding that day!! I know that is prob. not healthy for our relationship that I am always worried that it will end!!! I know that I need to come down to earth and just have fun w/ Kate and hang w/ her!! I know that it will not be the end of the world if we break up even though I know it will be very painfull cuz even thinking about it hurts!!! The dance last night was really fun though!!! I have not danced in a long time and even though it was only 1 hour long cuz the game was so damn long!!! I still had fun and I think that Kate did as well!!! Even though neither of us r very good dancers!!! She is better than me that is 4 sure!!! Well I had better wrap this up!!! It's very long and I need to go and clean my room!! I dont think that anyone will read this if it's much longer!!! O the soccer team this year is doing ok!! As far as I know they have tied all of there games so they r undefeated!! That is kew!!! Maybe they will win some and go to the play-off's this year!! Even though alot of the teams in out leauge this year went to state last year and we did not win a game!!! Well tootles and if Kate reads this I LOVE U!!!!