Friday, November 11, 2005

The Shadow Proves The Sunshine

[The Shadow Proves the Sunshine - Switchfoot]
I am in Evan's dorm right now and its 9 20 am!! I got to bed around 2 30 and woke up around 4, then I was back to bed. I got up a little before 8! I have been having a magnificent time here at George Fox. The prank last night was that the floor below us filled paper cups with water and covered our hall. This made it very difficult for us to get out to breakfast this morning. Though I am sure that the hall will retaliate, I will not be there. Did you know that in the world today, Sex is currency, she sells cars, she sells mags. I am supposed to go to some kinda class or something @ 9 40 and its like guess what, 9 23. Man alive. I NEED to take a shower!! I dont think that I will be goin to ne classes!! Lol...maybe I will call Kenny and see what he is up to. This place like rocks the fucking mulet!!! It's SO sweet. You get everything that you could possibly want to continue with a greater education. You get your room and board stuff. Though it costs money. They give you a comp, they give you liberaries and all that jazz. You have some of the smartest people in the nation teaching you what you need to know so that you can contiue into a career of our choice. You are rather free, stay up late, do homework ALL the time!! It rocks my socks off!! Not that I did not know all of this stuff before but now that I am here experiencing it!!! I cant freaking wait!!! I love you gf and she will only be 10 miles away if I live here!!! I LOVE it!!! I hope that all of you people that are near Fox and are thinking about attending, dont let the money fool you into thinkin its not for you!! Its one of the best schools in the nation. It is also FUCKIN SWEET!!! Well I need to go cleanse myself. PEACE

Thursday, November 10, 2005

George Fox

[Well I am listening to absolutly nada right now!!!]
The hum of the computer and the clicking of the keyboard as I am writing this is all to be heard right now, other than of course the random other movements that are heard in the liberary of a University. I am at Fox right now and I am just a bit early for the Bruin Preview. I have attened two classes with my friend Kenny, and found them both rather entertaining. I went to a bible class and a literature class. I have meet with my friend Evan a little bit of whome I am staying with, and also exchanged some words with my friend Dani as to whether I would attend her class or not. So I am sitting here in the lib. watching Kenny look up information on the ressurection for his bible class and sippin the coffee that is keeping my tired and soar body from truning into a non functioning acticel of mass. The little bar at the bottom of this screen is telling me that there is still 20% of the Download left untill I can get on instant messanger and return for a brief moment in time to the world that I know. Tomorrow I will be entertained all day such as I will today with the classes that will possibly be ones that I will also attend next year. After 4 O'clock however I will embark on a great journey back to Yamhill from this foreign land of Newburg, catch a bus to the football game in Mac, as our team is in the playoffs, and this will be a grandious event! I am thrilled that our team is doing so well. I will also begin some of the tediouse homework that I need to complete over the time expance that is this weekend. Well, I badly need to attend a restroom due to the amount of coffee that I am currently consuming so I will leave you to continue your daily life as was intended for you!! PEACE...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So who likes Bureaucracy?

[Stapel it Together - Jack Johnson]
Well I have been reading about the Executive branch and Bureaucracy for about 4 hours off and on!! I am not all that thrilled. I have also gone to youth group gotten a new coat and done alot of other homework within that period of time!! Though Bureaucracy is rather exciting it is also a load of crap that is not fun to get tied down with. It is exciting and needed as a whole, however also very dry and boring when you are simply leaning all the basic uses and needs of the Executive tied groups.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Fat Kid Rules the World!!!

[The Taste Of Ink - The Used]
Well last night there was this football game that occured at WOU. I attended because our highschool team just happened to be playin in it. If they won they would take the leauge title and that would be the first in 12 years. I rode a rooter bus down to the great town of Independece which departed at 5:15pm. When we arived we got situated to watch the amazing sporting event. It was Central's senior night and so the opening activities took a rather long time we had to watch over half of thier team be introduced infront of the crowd with their parents. Finally the kick- off occured and the game was on! The Central crowd being home was surging with energy and they had almost double the support that our crew had. Many of the people form the Yamhill - Carlton area came to watch this amazing event. There were two rooter buses and many people drove themselves as well. The crowd surged on the side of Yamhill - Carlton as the fist few plays bring back to back first downs. Quickly though we are forced in to a hole and fumble the ball. The rain is pooring and there is no turning back now. We are the back of the team as we cheer threw the rain and storm. The energy comming from the cheerleaders is more then I have ever seen from such a small group of petite girls. Soon we get the ball back and a few more plays get the YC Tigers close to 45 yards. We are getting in to field goal range. We set up for 4th and 2, we are going for it and there is an interseption thrown. The night was a battle field as young males from 14 to 18 hit each other as hard as they can and atempt to gain the leauge title. Unfortunatly the Central squad is much larger and more exeperienced then that of the YC crew. The Central defence tore the YC Tigers appart all night. The final score was YC 6 - Central 32. THe bus ride home was still fun and the spirit of the schools support was not taken down. YC can still come back. They have a wild card game comming soon and in this they can redeme themselves. That was my great adventure last night. I awoke this morning around 9 after getting to bed alittle after midnight. I am with my dad this weekend and soon I will be leaving to go and meet with some friends and eat pizza. Then I will off to Church. I am currently reading Fat Kid Rules the World, hints the name. It is not the most amazing book in the world. It's a readers choice for highschool age kids and is only about 200 pages though. So a quike read. I am enjoying it. Me and Kate are still together. Our 4 mounth is commin up this next tue. That will be swell!! I am so stoked. I have a ton of hw to attend to this weekend as well so I will try and keep in touch with this vast space that is the internet.